You are here: HomeNewsRegional2016 10 31Article 482481

Bolga-Naba Abeka rejects ruling

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  • subruku 7 years ago

    how can john ndebugri supervise the bolga naba when he does not hail from that area.that was what he did in bawku sometime ago and bawku has not known peace since. if bolga people can sit for this kasina idiot to bring choas ...
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  • ASIDANABA 7 years ago

    It was for the convenience of the colonialists to PUT some tribes under four key chiefs of the North: the Nayiri, the Ya Naa, Wa Na, and the Yagbumwura. There was no basis whatsoever, but just to enable the British apply thei ...
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  • Anaafo 7 years ago

    The decision on changing the statusqo must be determined by elders of all the royal gates and not an individual. Every average person knows this and it doesn't require knowledge of quantum physics. Do you get that?