You are here: HomeNewsRegional2014 11 05Article 333497

Pakyi residents battle chief over seizure of lands

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  • Tijani 9 years ago

    the same people sacked their previous legitimate chief, nana Gyamfi on the grounds that he has given parcel of land to deeper church,,, now you get Nebuchadnezzar,,,,,,,hahahaha,,, picture him rolling ,,,,,

  • Baffour 9 years ago

    Thank you for your comment. Nana Gyamfi Sakyi did a lot for them including having 2 community banks, Atwima Kwanwoma and Amansie West, with all the advantages yet he became a villian for them. Posterity will judge all.

  • Shepherd 9 years ago

    A similar situation took and continue to take place at Asante Juaben. Please, Pakyi residents and natives DO NOT RELENT in your efforts to reverse the situation.

  • PAMPANANA 9 years ago


  • Annorwuo 9 years ago

    Of ACP,in the Ghana Police Service? The Chronicle should always check their facts for accuracy! It makes you wonder where all these 'loose canons' are getting their training from!