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Murtala: PPP will run for 2016 presidential polls

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    There was a very self-sufficient blind man, who did a lot of traveling alone. He was making his first trip to Texas and happened to be seated next to a Texan on the flight.
    The Texan spent a lot of time telling him how every ...
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  • Papa Paa 8 years ago

    No you are not blind. That would insult the intelligence of good blind people. You are are full of what is wrong with Ghana. Empty arrogance. PPP is coming.

  • Papa Paa 8 years ago

    What a relief. Now we can campaign for change!

  • Efo Kwaawaaku Canada 8 years ago

    With Akua Donkor PPP didn't receive 1 % votes, and now looking forward to joining another party to form a government right? Lol, are you guys really serious, Ndoum has to stand as member of Parliament in npp ticket and stop u ...
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  • Ekow Samuel. 8 years ago

    We pray for ppp for unite with another party's gruop to win or we pray for them to be comes a president of ghana the coming 2016 election ghana and......long live ghana,with Papa Kwesi Ndoum and the others!.

  • manan 8 years ago

    APC is our third force ppp is npp

  • Yakubu 8 years ago

    We will support you as we are fed up with NPP and NDC. We are awake for the PPP