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NDC Treasurer suspended after brawl with Chairman

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  • Pumpuni 8 years ago

    They will leave all of this behind and talk about NPP's "internal squabbles"!

  • kofi''' 8 years ago

    ndc is really showing leadership ...they are prompt and apt in dealing with issues of this nature. unlike the npp, that seems to be promoting such bad behaviors...

  • champion 8 years ago

    I agree perfectly with you. unlike npp, ndc has acted swiftly and promptly. a treasure must obey the chairman. ndc is not like npp where a common treasure will take over the duties of the party chairman and nobody can talk ab ...
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  • baba 8 years ago

    Another ADAMS

  • Joe Turkey 8 years ago

    This maniacal party was born with fight aircrafts, guns, sticks and knives and by a homicidal lunatic. That's how they solve their problems. At least, all the others jaw-jaw.

  • Anonymous Coward 8 years ago

    The party was established through violence so what do we expect. Vagabonds

  • baba 8 years ago

    Let's advice ourselves this time around. A president from the north has not done much for us. But we are always at the bitter end. I'm sorry.

  • Bob 8 years ago

    Ntafuo have taken their bad behavior to Ashanti region. These watchmen and farm labourers are now fighting over cars not akonfems.


    NDC is made up of thieves and nothing else.

  • BBC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 years ago

    Fellow akamansonaians, lets use the campaign son Oga de chop am nyafu nyafu which we used to win the 2008 elections to win the 2016 so that we can continue chopping nyafu nyafu.

  • Anas is unstoppable 8 years ago

    Yes, that barbarism must stop

  • nkrabea 8 years ago

    This is uncharacteristic of ndc.aaaaaa!.colleagues let's be discipline!

  • Essum 8 years ago

    This time the Npp must be vigilant. These farming areas of Ashanti and Byrong Ahafo regions where multiple voting take place. These are the areas the Ndc get their votes in the Ashanti and B A regions

  • Papa Yaw 8 years ago


  • K'dua 8 years ago

    NDC folks don't throw acids.

  • anna 8 years ago

    violence begets violece this is ndc the root of ndc is buga buga not surprise

  • RA 8 years ago

    I hope the law will take its course and the one found guilty either on public order offences or whatever charge will be fully held accountable without any silly talk about discussing it at home or within the party. Its time w ...
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  • Banza Yaro 8 years ago

    If they can stab for party cars, only the Lord/Allah knows what they will do to win the presidency. Like Woyongo said, 'violence begets violence'. Just read between the lines for their pattern of behavior which they never spe ...
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  • Jojo 8 years ago

    Drawing daggers over a disagreement? NDC has been ridiculing NPP over the latter's internal wranglings but no one has drawn swords. They say it's better to jaw-jaw than to war-war. NDC should grow up.