You are here: HomeNewsCrime & Punishment2015 09 09Article 380809

Man grabbed for duping fiancée

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  • THIEF OF BAGDAD 8 years ago

    Women loves thieves in general.

  • Mary 8 years ago

    You are mad! And men love whores in general!

  • Deeno 8 years ago

    Don't be childish in you statements.
    I am a guy and you know you are wrong.

  • Constructivist 8 years ago

    Why did he failed to supply the cement when the clients has pre-financed the cement they requested for? If I have people who can give me money to buy what they wanted prefinanced, I'll be in a good business.

  • mallam kramo 8 years ago

    how can you send your future husband to go and cook for you? is he a boy boy? no respect for the guy why? is good he stole the money to compensate for your harassment.

  • Son of sons 8 years ago

    Mallam kramo You are part of the reason why people insult northners, what is wrong for a man or a guy to cook for his lady? Now We live in a civilized world

  • adwoa 8 years ago

    And you are part of the reason they say Africans are stupid. The fact that a person is using a name belonging to a particular tribe don't mean he belongs tothat tribe. Most of the time is the opposite just to attract insults ...
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  • KAY 8 years ago

    What is more painful is that he actually ate the bearded meat well well before stealing the money. O what a pittyGod Bless.