You are here: HomeNews2016 06 25Article 450155

“Get off my Unborn Horse”. “You will kill it”

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    A preacher wanted to raise money for his church and on being told that there was a fortune in horse racing, decided to purchase one and enter it in the races.

    However at the local auction, the going price for horses was so ...
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  • MK 7 years ago

    This is funny indeed.

  • Gynaecologist 7 years ago

    Nkrumah you have rightly stated established factories in Ghana, what the up/ npp people do to him? Nana addui should tell us where he is going to get the power to work those factories, and how he intends to finance same.

  • Mike 7 years ago

    Gynaecologist might not be familiar with the dynamics of politics. S/he is expert in productive organs. So, s/he must stick with his profession and leave the politicians who have the vision and the will power to handle the af ...
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