You are here: HomeNews2016 03 16Article 423875

Appointment of national teams coaches should be based on merit – Polo

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  • Asempa 8 years ago

    What is Polo using as his measure of merit for football coaching? He should consider combination of all factors like years of coaching, winning record, coaching preparation and high pressured positions held. There are some pe ...
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  • Peter Prosper 8 years ago

    Polo or bofrot - just zip it.

  • A.EARLY BIRD .JUABOSO. 8 years ago

    tank u polo,even look at u-20 current coach,he does not quilify the job,but because of THE GFA create,loot and share nti.

  • Adomakoh Froboo 8 years ago

    U talk too much. Konadu is not ur pedigree when it comes to coaching qualification/ experience. People like Golden Boy Razak are quiet, do why don't u zip it?