You are here: HomeNews2015 11 12Article 393509

Tema Youth threatens to go to FIFA

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  • lol 8 years ago

    If you have a case why do you fight it in the media? Og Ahead and appeal to the right Sources where you believe they will give you a better hearing.

  • Johnny 8 years ago

    I watched the match between Dream FC & Tema Youth in Kweiman Danfa and I am disappointed in the ugly seen I saw.It seems Osei Palmer and ppl around Nyantakyi feel they are bigger than Ghana football.

  • kutsii. 8 years ago

    Osei Palmer shd rather be worried of his 'kookoo' piles instead of licking the stinking anus of Kwesi Nyantakyi. A grown old man like Osei Palmer stoops so low to that young Nyantakyi in his mischief. Osei Palmer has lost re ...
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  • Wiseman 8 years ago

    Next time win your points on the field

  • Kogan 8 years ago

    How can you win this case when the judges has taking 30,000 euro from dreams fc