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May 9th anniversary: We must have a change in attitude - Herbert Mensah

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  • boyman 9 years ago

    Herbert has blood on his hands and his conscience is striking him. he wants to be a hero of the tragedy but he is the cause.when he was failing he incited the kotoko fans against the referees and this was the results.he shoul ...
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  • Mr.N 9 years ago

    Attitude change start from the top, people on the top know they can get away with anything until that is change and people at top are made accountable by their actions no amount of lesson to be learnt will help us. Did anyone ...
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  • Habagas 9 years ago

    These patapaaa Ashante who always refuses to accept any results that goes against them.similar thing happene in Eggyt and the perpetrators were executed

  • seini 9 years ago

    There cannot be a positive attitudinal change without first learning lessons from the tragedy. Lessons learned are therefore very important in order to facilitate attitudinal change.

  • Saint Ghfuo: Nyantakyi must go! 9 years ago

    So forget about it ever happening. Just give cash incentives to stadium security and police to arrest all these nefarious sons of bitxhes and you will see them get hauled in like this afcon few more times and soon ...
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