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Developing the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Ghana - Part III

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  • EmmaZion 10 years ago

    Thank you sir. Its so inspiring to have you share such things with us.

  • William Yaw Adufutse, Ph. D. 10 years ago

    You are welcome. Hopefully, others will start thinking of some of the ideas discussed.

  • Zainab 10 years ago

    Thank you sir, i started a provision shop in my hse after my national service with the money i earned from taken part in the Census 2010. I was able to increase my capital to 200% within a yr. But my problem was i was doing e ...
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  • obroni 10 years ago

    I started 11 companies in my life, went bankrupt with one of them and came back within 3 years. I started working in Ghana in 2006 for 20 Ghc a day.
    Today, I support my family we can afford on a holiday abroad and have star ...
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  • William Yaw Adufutse, Ph. D. 10 years ago

    That is the spirit. Being in business is not an easy task. Willingness to start on a small scale and learn from mistakes is the key.

  • Kojo T 10 years ago

    What one needs also is the support group that you can consult. As you have rightfully said it is a lot of hard work and sleepless nights . The worst part is when the people around you are negative and want quick results. Next ...
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  • William Yaw Adufutse, Ph. D. 10 years ago

    Good idea Kojo T. I will do that. Thanks for your input. Ideas from people like you help me decide what to write about. Again thanks.