You are here: HomeNews2013 04 18Article 271450

Fertilizer prices up

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  • Tandoh Samuel 11 years ago

    The government should still subsidise so that farmers can afford to purchase the fertilizer to improve upon the yield of crops.Because already the prices of fertilizers are high and most farmers find it difficult to buy .

  • mensah abrampa 11 years ago

    Do we have any prorities at all as a nation? Fertilizer production is not rocket science. What's preventing us from producing fertilizer locally so we wouldn't have to import them any more at exorbitant prices? They say a hun ...
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  • mr bonsu 11 years ago

    Food prices are also rising in the USA due to high farming input. Fertilizers are derived from petrochemicals ( global market prices). The government needs to stop subsidizing fertilizer and have farmers use manure. It is che ...
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