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Regional News of Monday, 20 May 2019


Wesley Cathedral in Sekondi educates its members on security threats

Sekondi, May 20, GNA - The Wesley Methodist Cathedral in Sekondi has engaged its congregants on the need to be vigilant and security conscious.

This has come in the wake of terrorists attacks on Churches in Burkina Faso.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Joseph Kofi Darko of the Sekondi police, speaking at the Sunday service said following the recent terrorists attack in Burkina Faso, it has become pertinent to educate people on the subject.

He explained that the ways of terrorist groups were clandestine such that they could even use Ghana as an operational ground hence the need to beef up security in the country and to also to educate the citizenry to be vigilant.

He explained that terrorists are usually bald headed, Slender, shabbily dressed in some cases and are usually between the ages of 20-35 years.

ASP Darko entreated the congregants to look out for such people, adding that they could be singled out based on how profusely they would be sweating and fidgeting, as some also lick their lips due to nervousness.

" These terrorists wear hats and backpacks since that is where they hide some of their explosives and behave abnormally character wise", he added.

ASP Darko advised them to immediately prompt the Reverend Minister or Ushers when they come across such persons during church services or call the police hot lines to lodge their complaints.

He however admonished members to avoid prank calls to the police.

Taking them through the operational methods of the terrorists he stated that terrorists would either kidnap or hijack their targets using loaded vehicles with explosives and guns.

He said the terrorist groups recruit their members through friends, associates and kidnapping as in the case of Boko Haram in Nigeria where they kidnap young girls and brainwash them to join the group.

ASP Darko also hinted that terrorists have information about their group online where people could visit to read and join.

He therefore advised parents to closely monitor their children to be able to determine when there is behavioural change since terrorists were now using highly intelligent people for their operations, especially graduates.

"Terrorism is fast spreading so we should be vigilant, because we may be living with some and may not be aware", he stressed.

He described low level of education, negative identity and religious differences as some causes of terrorism, which leads to the destruction of lives and properties, low productivity and unstable economies as it deters investors from investing.

He reiterated the need for the church to educate its members on who terrorists are and put in place security measures, because security was a collective responsibility.

He said people should not use this as an excuse to exempt themselves from church activities because they could be attacked anywhere, rather, they should be on their guard and be each other’s keeper.

ASP Darko emphasized on the need for persons to give detailed description of a suspected terrorist to aid the police in their work.

He also urged landlords to conduct thorough investigations about prospective tenants before renting out rooms to them.

Reverend Georgina Mensah Brown, the second Minister at the Wesley Cathedral advised members to "flush out fear" and have faith in God to deliver them from all difficulties.

She entreated them to also pray always because the terrorists did not operate “spiritually empty", but are fortified.