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Regional News of Sunday, 12 August 2018

Source: Dickson Amenyo

People of Bibiani welcomes Alfred Obeng back home

Most people who visited Bibiani yesterday around 3 pm saw the heaviest traffic ever in Bibiani and were wondering the cause of that. It later emerged that it was Mr Alfred Obeng who was visiting his hometown yesterday, 10th August for the first time after his removal from BOST as the Managing Director.

The chiefs and the community gave him a wonderful welcome back home. The thousands of people who met him at the police barrier before entering Bibiani caused that terrible traffic.

Some of the placards read "God has punished the conspirators", "We love you", "Man of hope", "We share your vision", "We will die for you", "We drink alcohol before Xmas", "Our incoming MP", "Touch not the anointed one", "The humble man", "Humility pays", "We are happy to see you", "Akwaaba", "Better days ahead", "We are proud of you" etc .

At the roundabout, the crowd insisted that Mr Obeng must address them before going to meet Nananom. This is an extract from his speech:

I am overwhelmed by the large crowd but not surprised because I know my people love me just as I also love you. Let me take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for the solidarity shown to him during that challenging moment. Accept my profound gratitude. My brothers and sisters, I am sure you would want to hear from the horse own mouth what led to my removal from BOST as Managing Director.

The little I can say here is that there was no fault on my side be it performance or corruption related but the truth is that because of the selfish interest of some people who felt that could not be realised so long as I continue to be the Managing Director and therefore decided to undermine me through falsehoods and lies using media and pressure groups from the very month of my appointment. But to me, it is well with my soul because we serve a living God who never fails.

My aim of entering into politics has nothing to do with my personal gains but it is the a means to help the community both in infrastructure and humanity since in Ghana development, even employment is government centred.

For example, during my 18 months in government, I was able to help over 350 of the youth to gain employment. I must state that one of the reasons why I initiated the building of the petroleum tank farm at Adukrom within the Bibiani constituency is to create jobs both direct and indirect jobs for the youth to boost the economic activities of the community which will, in turn, improve your livelihood.

I want to assure you once again that I will continue to extend my quota towards the creation of the Western North Region. Early this year I bought the Western North Secretariat a brand new Nissan Hardbody Pick-up to facilitate their movement and a cash donation for specific operations and any time I am called upon for help, I will not hesitate.

My weekly meetings with different electoral areas within the constituency to understand their problems in order to assist them will be continued despite the mischief and the propaganda that some people are making out of it. The best way to impact on society is to touch humanity so sharing my wealth with my own people is in the right direction. The feedback from the little support I have been giving you actually inspires me to work hard so that I can do better.

I cannot leave you without giving you this inspirational message. Thus the termination of my appointment as MD of BOST cannot be a recipe to halt my vision to help develop our community both in infrastructure and humanity.

After his speech two questions were asked namely:

1. Can you confirm today that you will contest for the MP in the constituency in 2020 because everyone is crying for you. As a result of what the President and his people had done to you even if you contest as an independent candidate, we will vote for you?

2. Having left BOST, would the construction of the petroleum tank farm you initiated here to be continued?"

Mr Obeng answered that now that he is out of BOST he doesn't have the ultimate power but he will discuss with his successor to continue since its location will serve a good purpose by serving the newly WESTERN NORTH to be created and parts of Brong Ahafo, Ashanti region and Central Region.

On the issue of whether he will contest for the MP in the constituency in 2020, he said it is part of the numerous options he is considering but the deciding factor will be which of the options will enable him to help the community better.

Soon after his answer on this part, the crowd started saying whether you would like to be MP or not, the seat is waiting for you.

He then proceeded to greet the market women and the management of the Bibiani government hospital was also waiting for him to address them but due to time factor he couldn't make it and pleaded with them through his spokesman, Amankwaa that he will visit them when Senior High Schools re-open.

He added that he will be donating books to the schools and address the students and the teachers in the 7 constituencies within Sefwi communities.

At the Palace Nananom welcomed him back home and poured libation where they asked their ancestors to continue blessing their beloved son whose hard work, honesty and integrity have brought honour to Sefwiman long before he even entered into active politics.

Nana Nifahene of Sefwi Anhwiaso Traditional Council in his speech encouraged him not to be worried about what happened at BOST because they know him and know his potentials and are well aware of the sabotage and frustrations he went through at BOST.

He added that if Akuffo-Addo government doesn't want him, Nananom and the entire Sefwi community love him as their royal son. Nana Kofi Affi II, the Manhwerehene of the Sefwi Anhwiaso Traditional Council advised his beloved son to put away all the humiliation and embarrassment given to him by Akuffo-Addo government who have been so ungrateful to him and continue the good works that he did to raise huge sum of money to support them during 2016 election campaign.

Nana Kofi II added that if they think you were alone that is why they gave you such inhumane treatment, then they got it wrong and time will tell.

Mr Obeng thanked Nananom and assured them that he will continue extending support to the community and he can do it even better now that he had left BOST.