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Regional News of Saturday, 24 December 2016


'Okada' business booms as traffic engulfs capital city

An illegal business popularly known as “Okada” has taken over the transport business in the capital city as traffic situation worsens in the central business centre.

Traders and shoppers who cannot withstand hours in traffic have no alternative than to rely on Okada as means of transportation to their various destinations.

Some “Okada” riders who spoke to mentioned that the motorbikes ability to dodge the traffic has made their business lively ever since the traffic situation worsened in Accra central. They added that most people are people who patronise the Okada are usually in a rush which makes the Okada the best option.

Traders who also shared their views attributed the traffic to visitors who usually visits the Central business centre during festive seasons. They added that due to the festive season business ends very late and in order to get home on time, “Okada” is the only alternative.