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Regional News of Monday, 20 May 2019


Chereponi residents appeal for more security personnel after renewed clashes

Residents in several communities in the Chereponi district have appealed to the government to deploy more security personnel to the area due to rising tensions there, as a result of renewed clashes.

Two Konkombas were killed while a Chokosi suffered gunshot wound in renewed communal clashes between the Konkombas and Anufors on Saturday, 18 May 2019 at Naduni where feuding locals prevented each other from farming a disputed land.

The incident spread to other communities on Sunday.

This latest violence comes two days after President Nana Akufo-Addo took an official visit to the district and admonished the residents to end the fighting and embrace peace.

Speaking to Class News, a Chokosi youth, Bawa Awoful appealed to the government to deploy more security personnel to the area to forestall any future disturbances.

He said: “I will say we need more policemen and more military men and when they come, they shouldn’t spare anyone. They should find who started the attack…”

Last year, renewed communal clashes between the Konkombas and Chokosis erupted in the Chereponi district.

Several people were killed and properties worth millions of cedis were destroyed.