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Politics of Wednesday, 28 July 2004

Source: Lens

NPP unveils dirty game plan in Hohoe North

Indications are clear that NPP is losing the coming elections- but the party is certainly not intending to go down without a fight. And when NPP talks about fighting, then most discerning observers are in no doubt that a most dirty fight is on hand. The name of NPPs game plan is: If you can't beat them, buy them.

Sources close to Hohoe North former constituency organiser indicate that NPPs game seems to have met with some success most recently in the Hohoe North constituency. Indications are that the severely cash trapped former constituency organizer of the NDC, Teddy Ofori, found the bait too irresistible and thus defected last weekend to join the NPP. How sad!

Teddy Ofori just a few weeks back, contested the NDC primaries in the constituency. Sources close to him indicate that he was so sure of emerging victorious in the primaries that he literally depleted all his resources and even became highly indebted. Poor Teddy is said to have sold his car besides borrowing heavily from some moneylenders to raise an amount of about ?60 million to finance his campaign. Unfortunately for him, the expected victory failed to materialize- Teddy lost heavily. That was the beginning of his woes. What could he do next? How will he pay back his heavy indebtedness?

Then steps in the NPP with firm promises of solving his financial woes if only he will jump ship. The financially beleaguered parliamentary contestant, according to sources close to him, heaved a sigh of relief and wasted no time. The rest is now history as evidenced last weekend when he was assisted by the NPP to publicly announce his defection from the NDC to the NPP alongside other members of the NDC. Our sources reveal that about ?150 million was splashed by the NPP in this operation.

Our sources fingered Mr. Patrick Agbenorwusi, a Presidential aide, Mr. John-Peter Amewu, the NPP Parliamentary Candidate and Mr. Tom Amewu the brother of the MP elect as those who instrumental in the operation. The meeting place where the deal was brokered is Palm Grove Hotel in Hohoe.

Ironically the news of the defection has not gladdened the rank and file of the NPP in the constituency as anticipated. One guru of the party, who spoke to the Lens, was aghast at the amount of money that was splashed for a few individuals when the party needed money to conduct a thorough house-to-house campaign in the constituency; what was needed, according to him, was money for organisation and not money to bribe people with questionable motivations. He was of the view that the "Bought Defectors" might well be mercenaries with little or no loyalty to the NPP and they could actually become moles within the party.

The suspicion of many principled supporters of the NPP in Hohoe appears justified because it is too obvious that sentiments other than the love for the NPP were behind the defections. They were additionally angered by the fact that so many of them are in dire financial straits and instead of their party assisting them to encourage them to give of their best, they have instead resorted to throwing precious monies at NDC in the mistaken belief that this would shore up NPPs fortunes in the constituency.

Many others who learnt of the defection of compromised Teddy and friends wondered why NPP would waste so much money since no amount of monetary inducement will turn a formidable NDC stronghold like Hohoe North around. A few cynics even went to the extent of congratulating the defectors since, according to them, NPP has money to splash so NDC should actually engineer members who would move in and collect the monies and pretend to be with them whilst actually working against them from within.

It will be recalled that Teddy Ofori was beaten fair and square by Mr Hayibor the NDC candidate elect and he gamely conceded defeat, praised the fair conduct of the polls, congratulated his opponent and pledged his unflinching support.

Though the other defectors stated that they defected on their own accord, it was crystal clear from their forlorn faces that they were induced by Ofori to jump ship.

When contacted at Likpe Bakwa, the home town of Teddy Ofori, the NDC co-ordinator Mr. Henry Sronipa (Aze) and Mr. Raymond Asorkor, Likpe Todome NDC Chairman, jointly expressed sadness that Teddy could have compromised his integrity by swallowing the bait of the NPP. They stated that they all helped Teddy financially and morally during the primaries and therefore find it sad that he had resorted to this action.

They added that the departure of the executives is no big deal to the NDC in the constituency, because it will rather bolster the party's determination to fight harder to score obtain another massive victory over the NPP. They also expressed gratefulness for the work that Teddy and co had done all these years for the NDC and wished them good luck in their new party.

But can money really buy allegiance, affection, and dedication? Your guess is as good as gold.