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Politics of Tuesday, 24 November 2020


The same Rawlings you called an assassin is now your hero? – Fifi Kwetey asks NPP

Member of Parliament for Ketu South constituency, Fifi Kwetey, has labeled as hypocritical the New Patriotic Party’s sudden love and admiration for Rawlings whom they openly chastised and demonized.

He has expressed disgust at the manner in which the ruling party which according to him masterminded all the trials and tribulations of the former president is pretending to adore him.

“So president Rawlings whom you literally made to look like the most untrusted person, the liar, criminal, and the assassin has suddenly become your hero? That is exactly what I mean by double-talk,” he stated during a discussion on Pan African TV’s morning show.

The Ketu South MP said NPP’s “two-faced attitude” transcends to the that the Special Prosecutor whom they once held in high esteem has now become their enemy after he chose to resign.

“That is why Martin Amidu can be hailed by you in one minute and the next minute he turns a gun against you and he becomes your enemy. That same Martin Amidu whom you cherished has now become a bad man and a liar. This attitude makes you double talkers, hypocrites. Your corruption is not just about money but morally you are corrupt. You cannot tell the truth that’s why one moment you say something and the next moment you are saying the opposite,” he stated.

Nonetheless, the opposition party (NDC) has criticized the NPP for what they termed as ‘crying more than the bereaved’, following the death of former President Jerry John Rawlings.

According to the party, the NPP has assumed a posture of side-lining the NDC from Rawlings’s funeral processes.