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Politics of Friday, 28 July 2023


Stop the attacks on Desmond Paitoo - Fmr Gomoa East MP told

Gomoa East MP, Desmond Paitoo Gomoa East MP, Desmond Paitoo

Former Member of Parliament for Gomoa East, Kojo Asemanyi, has been urged to desist from attacking his political opponent, Desmond Paitoo in his bid to seek re-election as MP.

This comes after Kojo Asemanyi was reported to have labelled Mr Paitoo as incompetent and further accused him of failing to lobby for projects in the constituency

Squashing these claims in a press release, Aide of Desmond Paitoo said the Safari and Nyanyano road projects were awarded by the NDC government in 2016, well before Asemanyi became an MP in 2017.

"Throughout his four-year tenure, there was no significant progress on these projects, and it was only after he had left office that these projects saw some improvements. In fact, during the 2020 campaign, former President John Dramani Mahama highlighted the poor state of the Nyanyano road," he said.

"Additionally, it is disheartening to see Asemanyi take credit for projects that were initiated by the Coastal Development Authority (CODA), a state institution operating nationwide. These projects, unfortunately, stalled due to lack of funds resulting from the mismanagement of the economy by the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government. It is worth asking whether Asemanyi implies that Gomoa East would not have received these projects if he was not the MP," he added.

He said Desmond Paitoo during his 2 years and 7 months as MP initiated various projects including the Okyereko market project, Buduatta school project, mamfam footbridge, among others.