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Politics of Tuesday, 12 October 2004

Source: Chronicle

Mills is a hypocrite - Veep

Chronicle -- THE VICE President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, last Thursday entered Cape-Coast, the home ground of Professor John Evans Atta Mills, attacking and accusing him of hypocrisy. Aliu told supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) that Prof. Mills proclaimed to be a preacher of peace yet turned round and insulted people.

?When you talk about ?Asomdweehene?, it should come from the heart and not that you turn round and insult people. That is not the kind of politics we want. When campaigning, let us send across clear messages to the electorate and not rain insults. We want a neat campaign,? the vice president pointed out.

The vice president launched the attack after he had commissioned a number of HIPC projects in Saltpond, Mankessim, Anomabu, Twifo-Praso and Cape Coast, followed by a mini-rally at Kotokoraba, a suburb of the municipality, which pulled only a small number of people, ostensibly because of his late arrival.

It is significant that Aliu?s comment came days after Prof. Mills had accused President Kufuor of incompetence and supervising corruption in government, during the latter?s five-day campaign tour of the Ashanti region, stronghold of the ruling NPP government.

Aliu said he had come to find out how appointees of government were working and projects were being implemented in the region to enable them account to the good people of Ghana.

He stated that when the country opted for the HIPC initiative, some people criticized the government but now, the country could boast of 3 trillion cedis, which had accrued from HIPC, and been translated into the provision of potable water and schools as well as roads across the country, as concrete evidence to the people.

vote for Christie plea Turning to Cape-Coast itself and numerous media report on the problems facing the party, Aliu said, ?we hear what people talk about Cape-Coast but we have no doubt that Cape-Coast has always been for the NPP and it should continue to be NPP.?

?When we were in opposition, we were in charge of Cape-Coast. How come, now that we are in charge of this country, Cape-Coast is threatening to go somewhere else?

Cape-Coast is for us forevermore. So I charge you all to go out and make sure we take the Cape-Coast seat. Let us unite; in unity lies strength. Let?s unite behind our sister Christine Churcher, for she is a dynamic woman. My brothers and sisters, Cape-Coast is NPP forever and ever; you know that. I have no doubt in my mind that come December, she is the winner.?

?You talk about schools, we are there, you talk about health facilities we are there, and we have done everything we need to do in three- and -half years and that is why we are asking you to give the Kufuor Administration another opportunity and in the next four years, you will see more schools in your area,? the vice president urged and assured the supporters amid cheers.

He further guaranteed that in the next four years, the region would witness massive development in Cape-Coast in particular, adding that the perennial water problem would be solved once and for all.

?Cape-Coast is dear to us, Cape-Coast is the center of intellect and knowledge and the former capital of this country, so keep on rallying behind Churcher to bring all the good things to this area,? the vice president appealed to the supporters.