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Politics of Friday, 20 September 2019


Mahama won’t apologize to Asantehene today or tomorrow – Appiah Stadium

Former President John Dramani Mahama under no circumstances will render an unqualified apology to the King of Asante, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in the wake of calls by Kumasi Youth Association (KuYA) for the former head of state to do so.

“John Mahama will not render an apology to Otumfuo today, tomorrow or forever”, according to a staunch supporter and unofficial aide to Mr. John Mahama, Appiah Stadium who fumed in an interview on Kumasi-based Nhyira FM monitored by

This comes at the back of KuYA’s press conference asking Mr. John Mahama to distance himself from the statement which sought to discredit the revered King when he addressed UN on roles played in Ghana in the 2016 general elections.

“NDC and John Mahama have great respect for Otumfour already so we should not present a picture as if JM doesn’t like our King”, Appiah Stadium told host, Aduanaba Kofi Asante Ennin on the telephone.

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II while speaking at the United Nations General Assembly remarked that it was through his effort that the former President who was unwilling to accept defeat, conceded.

Otumfuo explained: “at the conclusion of the last presidential and parliamentary elections, the country stood on the edge of disaster. The United Nations representative and the diplomatic community were aghast and alarmed that Ghana was about to slip down the slope of the electoral violence…Fortunately, the moral authority of the palace was at hand. We were able to intervene to persuade the losing candidate to accept his fate and to fly both candidates for a quiet encounter to pave way for a smooth handover.”

However, a former Chief of Staff under the John Mahama reign issued a statement and refuted the Otumfuo’s earlier assertion, claiming that the former President was never persuaded to concede defeat as was claimed by the Asantehene.