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Politics of Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Disgruntled Voltarians want Mahama out

Some Voltarians have planned a march for Saturday March 26, to express their dissatisfaction with the current government of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Dubbed ‘March For Change’ (M4C), the Volta 4 Change group, in a statement signed by Abraham Futukpor and Eyram Doe, said Voltarians feel they have been taken for granted by the NDC for far too long.

“For far too long, the NDC has relied on the Volta Region as a bedrock of support – referring to it as its World Bank. It is a support that the NDC has taken for granted, which, given the neglect and decay in the region, is no longer justified,” the statement read.

It said: “Our region’s patent lack of development, in addition to infrastructural dilapidation, is stark, and yet election after election, we continue to elect a party that has failed to deliver to our people. It is a sad state of affairs, as the Volta Region has the potential to be one of the leading regions in the country instead of the laggard it currently is.

“Unemployment is high, the farming sector is withering, roads are decrepit and health care provision is not fit for purpose.

“Corrupt, money-grabbing officials have consistently failed to deliver on promised projects. The paltry projects that have been delivered have been hugely inflated and are of poor quality.

“Thus, in order to highlight these matters of supreme importance and accelerate them up the political agenda, Volta 4 Change and our supporters are going to march for change on Saturday,” in the regional capital, Ho.

The group said the march would start from the Coca-Cola depot at 6am and end at Dome at 10:00 am. The group has invited “all peace- and development-loving Ghanaians, especially Voltarians” to join the march.

The group said it had duly notified the police on the planned peace/health walk, which they will use to convey their dissatisfaction to the government.

Mr Futukpor told that Voltarians now do not want to “keep putting all our eggs in one basket”.

They said they really do not care which party nudges off the NDC in the November polls, so far as that party will come in to develop the Volta Region. “We don’t care if it’s NPP, PPP, CPP.”