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Business News of Friday, 25 May 2018


Ghana Post has no direct relationship with Google in NDPAS - Deputy Minister

Nenyi George Andah, Deputy Minister for Communications Nenyi George Andah, Deputy Minister for Communications

No money was paid to Google by Ghana Post, and Ghana Post has no direct relationship with Google under the National Digital Property Addressing System (NDPAS) project, Nenyi George Andah, Deputy Minister for Communications revealed on Thursday.

However, data received from Vokacom who have direct relationship with Google indicates that outside the original scope of the project and as a value added opportunity a total amount of US1, 395.64 has been paid for the standard level usage of the Google map on the NDPAS from 2017 to date to Google.

Answering questions related to the project, in Parliament, Nenyi Andah said additional direct payments from Vokacom may be made based on usage and other considerations.

The Deputy Minister’s answer was in response to a question from Ras Mubarak, MP for Kumbungu, who wanted to know the expenditure breakdown of the Digital Address System which was launched recently by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

According to the Deputy Minister, who is also the MP for Awutu Senya West, the Supplier/Software developer has delivered 95 per cent in terms of project implementation; and with regards to the expenditure for the project, a total of GH¢10.99 million was allocated to Ghana Post Company Limited, comprising GH¢9.99 million for the Supplier/Software developer (Vokacom Limited) and GH¢1.001 million to Ghana Post for project implementation (operational cost).

An amount of GH¢9.49 million, representing 95 per cent of GH¢9.99 has been paid to the supplier.

“Mr Speaker, it is necessary to note that the GH¢9.99 million being spent on the NDPAS will provide the system and had taken care of the marketing and publicity so far.

“However, the Government may have to spend more on marketing and publicity so as to ensure that every Ghanaian everywhere knows about the Ghana Post GPS and can have their digital address,” Nenyi Andah said.

The Akufo- Addo led Government in 2017, in implementing its plans to digitise the Ghanaian economy introduced a number of innovations. Notable among them is the NDPAS, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Communications and being implemented by the Ghana Post Company Limited.

The NDPAS was officially launched by President Akufo-Addo on October 18, 2017 to provide digital address for every property in Ghana, to improve the efficiency of doing business using ICT as the enabler.

Nenyi Andah explained that the establishment of re-engineered and automated digital addressing system is critical for effective implementation of national identification and address referencing database.

Also, NDPAS will facilitate the formalisation of the economy as it provides unique digital address for property and businesses for easier identification and tracking by relevant institutions.

“NDPAS is one of the many key initiatives that will transform Ghana Post to revamp its operations and spur up the home delivery and support businesses in both urban and rural areas,” the Deputy Minister assured.

In a related development, Mr Edward Kaale-Ewola Dery, MP for Lambussie Constituency in the Upper West Region, wanted to know the steps being taken to curb the network interferences from neighbouring Burkina Faso, which was affecting communication in the entire Lambussie District.

The Deputy Communications Minister said the National Communications Authority is conducting a technical investigation into the complaint and the monitoring, processing and analysis exercise would completed by the end of August 2018.

He said the Ministry would apprise the House as soon as the report is ready.