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General News of Saturday, 18 February 2017

Source: Prosper Agbenyega/Ghanaian observer

Tension mounts in Ashaiman over MCE list

Members of the Concerned Grassroot Supporters NPP in Ashaiman Members of the Concerned Grassroot Supporters NPP in Ashaiman

There was total chaos at the Ashaiman NPP youth office at Tulaku, a suburb of Ashaiman when a group of young men angrily stormed the office and started braking tables and chairs.

The action of the angry youth was aimed at disrupting a press conference which was about to be held at the youth office.

The youth are alleged to be loyalists of the failed NPP 2016 Parliamentary candidate Alhaji Yakubu Labarran.

They broke and kicked the chairs and tables arranged for the scheduled press conference.

The youth also heckled and manhandled some of the organisers of the programme and almost attacked journalists who were there to cover the event.

They have vowed never to allow anybody or group of persons organize any programme with the intention of endorsing any candidate in Ashaiman ahead of the MCE nomination except it is in favour of the failed Parliamentary candidate, Alhaji Yakubu Labarran.

"We shall not allow anybody in Ashaiman to organize any press conference anywhere in Ashaiman because it is an agenda to promote other former MCE Albert Okyere. The people of Ashaiman want Alhaji Labarran so we will not allow anybody to come and thwart our effort"

They angrily chanted that "Alhaji has done a lot for the party and we shall not allow his efforts to go waste"

They further noted that they will only agree for another person to become the MCE for Ashaiman if Alhaji Labarran is given another appointment elsewhere.

"If Alhaji will not get the appointment, then the party must give him a different appointment before announcing the name of the new MCE or else...No Alhaji, No MCE"

They warned the party against the selection of a one time former MCE Albert Okyere as the suitable nominee since they shall fiercely oppose his nomination.

"We don't want Okyere anywhere close to the Assembly because the immidiate past NDC MCE is his close ally and he cannot come and investigate his corrupt administration. If the Party dare brings Albert Okyere, we shall create total chaos in Ashaiman"they threatened

The disrupted press conference which was organized by a group called Concerned Grassroot Members of the NPP in Ashaiman sort to appeal to the party hierarchy not to be intimidated to nominate an unqualified candidate as MCE for Ashaiman.

The press statement which was made available to the media stated that "We here believe that, in the selection of who becomes the MCE for Ashaiman, the party hierarchy must not just select anyone for the sake of it, but with all humility consider the inputs of those of us the downtrodden, the foot soldiers and the polling station executives since we are also stakeholders of our great Party the NPP"

It continued that "We as Concerned Grassroot Supporters of the NPP in Ashaiman have heared of several names that are flying about in the constituency as potential MCE'S. But we are of the view that the party should not be in haste in its declaration but must try and do due diligence and consultation ahead of the selection in order not to lost touch with the grassroots and floating voters by announcing the wrong nominee.

Among the names we have heard, there are some who have been with the party from its inception, some who have been with the party through thick and thin, some who have really suffered for the party and gone through the ranks and have helped to boost the image of the party in this constituency and continues to do so.

All these people deserves worthy of naming as MCE, but above all, we think the party must nominate a unifier who has worked with the party and can highly identify and recognise the grassroot members who also played diverse roles in the victory of the party"

The group argued that the selection of the MCE is not about self interest, but about service to the people of Ashaiman and adding to the infrastructure base of Ashaiman"

They appealed to the party to be guided by competence, hard work, dedication and loyalty to the party as they choose who should become the MCE for the area.