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General News of Tuesday, 6 June 2017


Rawlings has made himself 'alpha and omega' – Nana Ofori Owusu

Nana Ofori Owusu, PPP Director of Operations, has taken a swipe at Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings for celebrating June 4th revolution in the nation.

The founder of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) addressing NDC members in Wa in the Upper West Region on Sunday to mark the 38th anniversary of June 4 revolution noted that Ghanaians kicked the party out of office due to its sickening greed, selfishness and corruption.

He stated that contrary to the values of June 4, the party in past years has done everything to betray those values by their corruptible practices.

He added that the NDC didn’t live up to the values which are probity, transparency and accountability.

“Nobody is saying don’t make money, make it good and clean; but not some of the ones I know; sickening, that kind of greed and selfishness, look at where it landed us. Or is it because this government is not behaving the way Kufour did in his time, so we think we are okay? I know what’s going on. I know some of the things they are running into,” he said.

But responding to Mr. Rawling’s remarks on Kokrokoo on Peace FM, Nana Ofori Owusu blamed him for the hardships of Ghanaians.

Nana Ofori expressed disappointment in Ghanaians for allowing the Ex-President to commemorate June 4 which he noted led to the nation’s doom.

He said that the Ex-President led several coup d’états in the history of Ghana and should not be hailed by any Ghanaian.

“We should desist, as a nation, to even talk about June 4th; for us to celebrate coup d’états in the history of our country which has retarded us 60 years after. We’re worse than where we started off. How can we as a people do this? How can we as a people glorify wickedness? How can we as a people glorify excesses in our situation that we go back to the animalistic instinct of man?” he questioned.

According to Nana Ofori Owusu, Mr. Rawlings has made himself a “god” that cannot be touched, wondering why he indemnified himself against being punished for his crimes.

He doubted the boldness of Mr. Rawlings, asking why he put an indemnity clause in the constitution if he wasn’t afraid to account to Ghanaians over his past actions.

“If you’re a god, why are you afraid that we’ll put the searchlight on you during your period that you should account to Ghanaians? You’ve made yourself the Alpha and the Omega, killing people at your will…We, Ghanaians ourselves, are sick. We’re sick to (support) even entertain this June 4th…Why do we even allow this thing to go?”