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General News of Thursday, 29 May 1997

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The absence of the Minister of Mines and Energy in Parliament yesterday to brief members on the causes of the recent fuel shortage in the country and measures taken to normilise the situation did not go down well with the Minority side. This was after the Majority Leader , Mr. J.H Owusu Achampong in reaction to an urgent question standing in the name of Mr. A. Kan Dapah said the issue was no longer urgent since the fuel situation had improved. But Mr. Kan Dapah disagreed saying that the position taken by the Majority Leader was not acceptable to him because a lot of people in the country were eager to hear something about it. Insisting that the minister should come and brief the House on the issue , Mr. Kan Dappaah suggested that the deputy Minister for the sector , should be made to brief the House in the absence of the substantive Minister .

The Majority Leader explained that after looking at the question

, he realized that there was need for proper briefing on the whole issue . Since the question is meant for the minister , Mr. Owusu - Acheampong said Mr. Kwame Peprah who is responsible for Energy and Mines is the appropriate person to give the briefing. The speaker then came in to say that, there was the need for Minister himself to brief the House "We prefer the Minister himself if even the situation has normalised, there's need for briefing "he added . Then came in the Minority Whip, Mr. S. K Boafo who said the fuel situation had not normalised as was being thought because there were still queues in Kumasi for Kerosene. At this stage , Mr. Owusu - Acheampong promised to get the Minister to give the House a full brief.

Source: Ghanaian Times