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Politics of Friday, 2 November 2018


NDC elections: Mahama promises delegates T-shirts, motorbikes

John Dramani Mahama was speaking to the delegates of Madina Constituency play videoJohn Dramani Mahama was speaking to the delegates of Madina Constituency

Former President John Dramani Mahama has promised to procure bicycles, motorbikes and branded T-shirts and posters for National Democratic Congress (NDC) delegates in the Madina Constituency to be used during the 2020 electioneering campaign.

Speaking during a tour of the Madina Constituency, Mahama said, “We’re in opposition but we will try our best and get you resources such as T-shirts, bicycles, motorbikes and posters. It will be giving to the Constituency Chairman and he will give them to you.”

Former President John Mahama who is seeking to lead the NDC in the 2020 elections, also told delegates in the Madina Constituency he will be campaigning with them when he is elected as the flagbearer for the NDC.

“If I am elected as the flagbearer in December, then it means we have 2 years to campaign. I can decide that one weekend I will come to the Madina Constituency in my T-shirt, Jeans and sneakers and together with some of the branch executives we move from house to house, door to door, kitchen to kitchen,” he stressed.

Mahama reiterated he is still unable to understand why the NDC lost the Madina Constituency seat to the NPP in the 2016 general election as the constituency is noted to be one of the strongholds of the NDC.

He is, however, optimistic the NDC will recapture the Madina seat from the NPP in the next elections saying, “When I look at both the constituency and branch executives, I have no doubt that in 2020 we will take back the Madina seat from the NPP by hook or crook.”

The former President is in the flagbearership race with former National Health Insurance Scheme boss Sylvester Mensah, former Trade Minister Ekwow Spio Garbrah, Cape Coast South MP, Kweku Ricketts Hagan, Second Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin, Goosie Tanoh and former Vice Chancellor of UPSA, Prof Joshua Alabi.

The elections is scheduled for December 7, 2018.