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General News of Sunday, 13 May 2018


Mahamas spell out Mother's Day message

Former first lady Madam Lordina Mahama has paid tribute to “men and women “in her Mother's Day message for serving as foster parents to the various orphanages in the country.

Mrs Mahama and her Lordina Foundation said people who have played the role of "Home Matrons deserve to be celebrated on behalf of the children they nurture, train, teach and mold."

In a message sent early Sunday morning and shared by his husband Mr John Mahama on his official page, the 55-year old mother of three pledged to continue to support foster homes through her foundation.

"Be a mother to someone, today, “the statement said, adding that "Mothers are precious and irreplaceable".

There are over 30 orphanages operating in Ghana as the Government keeps fighting to curb maternal mortality and child trafficking.

It is estimated that thousands of children currently living in orphanages still have living parents and might have suffered parental rejection due to poverty.

The Lordina Foundation since its formation in 2013 has been supportive to the orphanages and empowering women in skills development and education.

Mother's Day is celebrated in honouring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society

The 2018 mother's day celebration fell on Sunday 13th of May.