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Sports News of Sunday, 29 May 2016


Kotoko Express hit at 'fertile mind Journalists’

Management of the Asante Kotoko team has come out to debunk rumors circulating on the social media, WhatsApp, that sacked coach David Duncan will return to the club next week.

Below is the statement written by Kotoko Express, the editorial team of the club:

The attention of Kotoko Express’ editorial team has been drawn to a WhatsApp group publication suggesting that, Coach David Duncan, who was asked to step aside by the management of Kotoko in April this year is returning to the club next week.

The publication attributes that piece of bogus information to Kotoko Express, which specific edition, it, however, fails to mention. We state categorically that, Kotoko Express has not published anything to that effect.

We are disappointed that, colleague journalists with fertile minds will choose to waste it by peddling complete falsehood.

The last Kotoko Express publication on Coach David Duncan was in the first week of April 2016. It was about management’s decision directing him to step aside.
We have since not done any publication on Coach Duncan. We see the clear attempts to needlessly malign our hard-won reputation or throw dust into the eyes of Kotoko supporters.

Coach Michael Osei, whose handling of the team has ensured progress in the last eight league matches is doing well. We offer him our total support. We further appeal to Kotoko supporters to dismiss the story as it lacks common sense.
Michael Osei and his technical assistants are still in-charge albeit in an interim capacity. Coach David Duncan, management makes us understand, is not returning to the club.

As reported by

Editorial Team
Kotoko Express
Adabraka, Accra
Credit: Asante Kotoko SC