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Politics of Monday, 20 August 2018


I will never call John Mahama corrupt - Sammy Gyamfi to saboteurs

Former President John Mahama Former President John Mahama

An aspiring National Communications Officer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sammy Gyamfi has denied media reports that he has accused the former President, Mr. John Mahama of being corrupt.

Sammy Gyamfi's statement is in reaction to a news item published by some online news portals claiming he had labelled Mr. John Mahama a corrupt person.

The story was titled, "Sammy Gyamfi attacks Mahama, labels him corrupt!".

In a statement signed by Sammy Gyamfi and copied to GhanaWeb, he described the story making rounds as false and malicious and accused the NPP of manufacturing the story against him to tarnish his political image.

He stated that unlike President Akufo-Addo and the vice President Dr Bawumia, Mr. John Mahama is incorruptible.

"The headline of the story is false and mischievously contrived. I, Sammy Gyamfi have never made any such accusation against H.E John Mahama and I will never ever make any such accusation against him. This is because the JM I know is incorruptible and has amply demonstrated his abhorrence for corruption time without number. He is not like President Akufo-Addo and his VEEP, who are now an epitome of corruption", the statement stated.

The statement added that the NPP government was trying to manufacture false stories and attribute to him to shift Ghanaians attention from the USD$45 million Police Housing Project.

"The so-called rejoinder is factually bankrupt and a poor attempt at shifting blame on the Mahama administration for something it didn't do. Whereas it is true that Phase 1 &2 of this security housing project were commenced by the Mahama administration, it is a blatant lie to say that the Mahama administration executed the current housing project agreement which is costing the state a whopping USD$45 million", the statement emphasized.

The statement read, "In other words, the Mahama administration never executed any housing agreement where the state was going to construct 320 housing units for personnel of the Ghana police service at a colossal cost of US$45 million (US$140,000 per unit). I dare the NPP to produce any such evidence if it does exist".

He added, "The lame and desperate defence being put up by elements in the NPP government to this scandal is simply unfounded and must be dismissed. Dr. Bawumia must tell us why a 320 (2/3-bedroom apartment) housing project must cost a whopping US$45 million (over US$140,000, equivalent to about GHS700,000 per unit)".

The statement reaffirmed that the cost of Police Housing Project being executed by the NPP administration was highly inflated and must be probed. "This government must stop swimming with the tide of corruption".

According to the statement, this publication is a plot to tarnish my political fortunes, but this publication will not work.

The statement has, therefore, urged the members of the NDC across the country to remain calm and disregard the news report as total lies.

Below is the full statement

"Re-Sammy Gyamfi attacks Mahama, labels him corrupt!"

I have become aware of a news story making the rounds under the above caption. The said story, which is a supposed response to my article on "Dr. Bawumia's sleazy USD$45 million Security Personnel housing project", is a misguided attempt by elements within the misled Akufo-Addo government, deliberately contrived to throw dust into the eyes of the Ghanaian people.

However, the corrupt affairs of this government are as sticky as the chameleon faeces. The harder they clean, it just cannot go away. The facts below will further expose the dishonesty and corrupt disposition of this government.

1. The headline of the story is false and mischievously contrived. I, Sammy Gyamfi have never made any such accusation against H.E John Mahama and I will never ever make any such accusation against him. This is because the JM I know is incorruptible and has amply demonstrated his abhorrence for corruption time without number. He is not like President Akufo-Addo and his VEEP, who are now an epitome of corruption.

2. The so-called rejoinder is factually bankrupt and a poor attempt at shifting blame on the Mahama administration for something it didn't do. Whereas it is true that Phase 1 &2 of this security housing project were commenced by the Mahama administration, it is a blatant lie to say that the Mahama administration executed the current housing project agreement which is costing the state a whopping USD$45 million.

In other words, the Mahama administration never executed any housing agreement where the state was going to construct 320 housing units for personnel of the Ghana police service at a colossal cost of US$45 million (US$140,000 per unit). I dare the NPP to produce any such evidence if it does exist.

3. The records show a far lower cost for Phase 1 &2 of the project undertaken by the Mahama administration. Under Phase 1&2 of this housing project, the Mahama administration constructed 168 housing units with ancillary facilities at Tema (made up of 136 two bedrooms and 32 three bedroom flats). Also, work on the construction of 368 housing units under the second phase of this project at an estimated cost of GHS101.2 million was ongoing at the time the NDC exited office (credit GreenBook®, page 49). Now let's do this simple arithmetic: dividing the total cost for Phase 2, GHS101.2 million by the total number of housing units, 386 gives an average unit cost of about GHS275,000. This figure is way lower than the outrageous and scandalous average unit cost of GHS700,000 for Bawumia's Sleazy Housing Project (Phase 3).

4. It also worthy of note that, similar housing projects undertaken by the Mahama administration were far cheaper than this padded Bawumia Housing Project. For example, the two-bedroom apartments constructed by the Mahama administration at Bortiano are being sold out at GHS150,000GHC per unit by SSNIT. Even the STX housing project which didn't materialize was to go for US$50,000 per unit. So how come Bawumia's 2/3 bedroom apartments are going for US$140,000 (equivalent to GHS700,000) per unit? This is just mind-boggling.

5. Finally, granted without admitting that the assertion that the current agreement was executed by the Mahama government is even true, does it make the outrageous cost of over US$140,000 per 2/3-bedroom apartment acceptable? Is the NPP telling us that the NDC is now their standard for value for money? Are they not the very people who accused and continue to accuse the erstwhile NDC regime of inflated contracts? Haven't they suspended many road contracts and other contracts executed by the erstwhile government in the name of value for money audits? Why haven't they subjected this deal to the same value for money test they claim to have subjected the MoMo Interoperability deal to? What kind of odious hypocrisy is this?


The lame and desperate defence being put up by elements in the NPP government to this scandal is simply unfounded and must be dismissed. Dr. Bawumia must tell us why a 320 (2/3-bedroom apartment) housing project must cost a whopping US$45 million (over US$140,000, equivalent to about GHS700,000 per unit).

I still maintain that the cost of this project is highly inflated and must be probed. It is a clear attempt by some corrupt elements in this government to shortchange the already impoverished taxpayer. This government must stop swimming with the tide of corruption.



Sammy Gyamfi

Aspiring National Communications Officer for NDC