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Politics of Wednesday, 11 December 2019


I'll not be surprised if Rawlings goes mad before he dies - Boakye Gyan

Major (rtd) Osahene Boakye Gyan, has alleged that former President Jerry John Rawlings murdered Flt Lt. Kojo Lee; one of his closest Lieutenants during the June 4th uprising.

"I said he hanged Kojo Lee on an helicopter with blocks tied to his legs and drowned him in the Ocean. That is Rawlings for you," he said in an interview with Adakabre Frimpong Manso on Neat FM.

According to Boakye Gyan, the former President "might deny it but those who know the record will testify to this. Kojo Lee threatened to expose him and that was his end; you can quote me anywhere. Ask Rawlings where is Kojo Lee; what happened to him?"

Major Boakye Gyan, who claimed the former President failed several exams while in the military school, said he will not be surprised if "Rawlings goes mad before he dies".

According to him, but for the intervention of his 'dear wife', former First Lady Nana Konadu, the former President would have been history.

"Rawlings will not die a normal death, I will not be surprised if he goes mad before dying . . . after all I have done for him . . . he’s not behaving like a normal person . . . (apart from that) he is tribalistic. I am prepared to face him squarely. I have been a sleeping dog for too long. If he likes he should bark and I will also bark double," he said on Neat FM.

Meanwhile, the office of the former President has declined to respond to the allegations now. When reached out to Mr Rawlings' office for a possible reaction, the Special Aide said at the appropriate time, a response will be issued.