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General News of Sunday, 24 September 2017

Source: Gloria Akweley Vanderpuye

Government must setup young graduates - Prof. Joshua Alabi

Prof. Joshua Alabi Prof. Joshua Alabi

The Government has been asked to identify and group skilled and knowledgeable final year university students and assist them to set up businesses they may propose to undertake, after graduation.

By this arrangement, government is to connect such young entrepreneurs to selected banks under a special arrangement where government will bore the responsibility for the interests on the capital that will be provided to run the enterprises for five to 10 years.

Such an arrangement by government is to lead to the explosion of well-regulated start-ups that are sustainable and will take over the employment responsibilities of government.

This policy proposal has been tabled by Prof Joshua Alabi, the former Vice Chancellor of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), at a lecture with Young Achievers Club, at the Ziberman Presbyterian Church, in Nungua, yesterday.

Prof Alabi explained that government must lead the way to finding adequate, tailored and low interest funds from the banks, as capital for such young enterprises.

The banks, He further explained, must vet and tweak the proposals from the students and make it bankable, procure the needed equipment, pay for the location and the remuneration of the young entrepreneurs involved.

"They will in 10 years be able to sustain the business, wean themselves off from the banks, pay back the government investments and employ hundreds and thousands of their colleagues" He assured.

Prof Alabi suggested that the government can then roll over the program to benefit the next batch of students and young entrepreneurs.

He observed that Ghanaians hail certificates instead of knowledge and opted for an era where the application of knowledge to serve mankind will become the order the day.

Professor Joshua Alabi called for an industrial revolution where the youth will not rely on the government for employment, but government will rely on the youth to employ the masses.

The former Vice Chancellor expressed his confidence in the workability of this proposal, insisting "open the gates for submission of business proposals, you will see there are talents all over who have wonderful business ideas and by refining and funding it, you'll unleash the energies of such youth towards the economic transformation of this country".

During the question and answer time, He continued to explain this policy proposal and confidently said: "Give this country five years after implementing this, there'll be massive expansion of job opportunities all over".