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Business News of Wednesday, 20 February 2019


Biblical economics 6 – discovering 'the real you'

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We continue to explore interesting insights in our series themed “Biblical Economics.” It is a journey of exploration of diverse leadership, management and financial lessons from the scriptures. This is the sixth article in the series. Enjoy the read!

Michael Joseph Jackson achieved in fifty years what many would not dare to dream about in several lifetimes. He won several Grammy Awards, released a number of number one hits and literally dominated music top ten selling charts even after his death. He is regarded as arguably the most famous music icon of all time. Jackson’s story can never be complete without the point of discovery. Legendary musician and producer Quincy Jones spotted Jackson while he was acting as a scarecrow in “The Wiz” along with Richard Pryor, Diana Ross and other African American stars. Jones saw into the future, engaged the young man and helped him find his destiny.

Talents are special abilities that a person naturally has or is born with. They are meant to be discovered and used by the owner. You have a unique mission or assignment that no one else can implement the way you can. Your talents are resources assigned to enable you accomplish that mission here on earth. If you want to be happy and fulfilled in life, you will have to start expressing your most important talents.

When you fail to discover and use your talents and abilities life becomes a struggle. Opportunities that were meant to be taken pass you by because you lack what it takes. Other people occupy positions that were meant for you because you have not found “the real you.” People who fail to find their talent and their place in life often end up disappointed, tired, burdened, frustrated and irritated. Here are some questions and guidelines to help you discover your talents:

Prepare A Shortlist Make a list of everything you know how to do and every talent and quality you possess. Keep adding on liberally until you have thirty or more abilities captured, if you can. In all likelihood, the first set or ten might be your most obvious or visible talents. As you progress you are likely to begin to list the latent talents you know you have but may not be using for various reasons. This process will force you to start looking at aspects of your life that you may have taken for granted — areas like enthusiasm, communication skills, your sensitivity to people’s needs, a good memory, organisational skills or a deep husky voice.

Your friends, family, work colleagues and other associates in your inner circle are sometimes even more aware of special abilities in your life. Try asking different members of your family and friends to tell you what they believe to be your unique talent or ability. You will be surprised to find that they may have noticed some potentially productive abilities that you may not have given attention to.

There is a deep sense of fulfilment that comes with doing what you are good at or what you enjoy most. The journey to discovering your real talent or proper gift begins with asking what leaves you most fulfilled. If you feel very contented when you write, sing or dance, that could be your talent that represents you best. You are likely to reach the very top of the pack if you pursue and develop the talents you enjoy working with most.

Another important pointer to your natural ability is the things you accomplish routinely and effortlessly, sometimes without even pausing to think. There are many who have built professional careers from things no one taught them in school or by apprenticeship and who are financially very successful. There are things you are engaged in which no one formally taught you but which you simply know either by intuition or some unfathomable natural orientation that cannot be explained, deciphered or imitated.

Ideas and Inspiration What do you get the best ideas about? Which activity really releases your inspirational and creative juices? Did you have schoolmates who sketched colleagues and class teachers at the slightest opportunity? Is it surprising if some of them have gone on to become successful artists, designers and architects? At different times, we’ve seen seasoned songwriters like Bishop Eric Kwapong, Rev. Edwin Dadson or Rev. Daniel Aborah literally compose a song in the middle of a stage performance and sing it unrehearsed to the live audience. Some of these songs have later turned out to be hits when recorded.

Effortless Execution Some people are natural organisers; they can put together a flawless event with so little time and resources. You are a natural at something if the tiniest details and those nuances that separate good from excellent easily come to your attention. When you are naturally talented at something, you will accomplish in a short time what others can struggle with for a longer period and still not comprehend it.

Rate Of Return Another litmus test is to check which type of investment flourishes best and yields the optimum in your life. If a child is a natural artist, every crayon, art book or water colour you invest in them is a seed that could bear fruit a thousand fold in future. Seeds are powerful. In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, the same seeds were thrown in diverse environments with very different outcomes.

Sacrifice and Application The things you are naturally talented in are things you can easily spend hours doing without realising it. Those are the things in which you are easily ready to sacrifice your very best effort when called upon. There are times when we spend the whole day writing without feeling overworked or overstretched. When you love something, feel passionate about it or are gifted in it, it no longer feels like work for you. Doing it is fun and you would actually not mind paying to do it. What will you be willing to do even if you were not paid for it? It is a good pointer to your natural talent.

Discovering your natural abilities or talents could be the turning point and a springboard to a more productive, meaningful and fulfilling life