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Politics of Monday, 10 December 2018


A supposed ‘people’s party’ shouldn’t be charging 33-years’ work salary as filing fees – Goosie Tanoh

A flagbearer aspirant of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. Augustus Goosie Obuadum Tanoh has taken a swipe at the party for the huge filling fee which according to him, can pay 33 years of active service of a government worker, has filed.

Doing the computations of his argument, he explained that if a nurse or teacher with take home of the salary of GH¢1,000 a month it represents 33 years of earnings as well as minimum wages of nine cedis fifty pesewas a day earnings for 113 years.

Goosie Tanoh disclosed that that NDC party which was formed for deprived, farmers, teachers and market women has now turned into richest party fleecing its poor members while one has to struggle before he can pay.

This according to him, is not a social democratic party being practiced by the party in recent times.

Goosie Tanoh stated this at Cape Coast South constituency when he met 95 branches and constituency executives of the to seek their mandate ahead of the party presidential primaries slated for 27th January 2019 covered by’sCentral Regional Correspondent Asana Gordon.

The former presidential candidate of the National Reform Party (NRP) in the 2000 general elections, charged the delegates to eschew vote buying and not also allow anyone to intimidate them.

“You have every right to follow who you want and what you want” he counseled.

Goosie Tanoh appealed to the delegates to give him the mandate to win power for the party since the party needs a new face and character to win 2020 general elections.

The Cape Coast South constituency Secretary of NDC, Mr. George Justice Arthur who welcomed Goosie Tanoh on behalf of the executives said all the presidential aspirants who are vying for the flagbearer position have the right to visit the constituency and seek for the votes of party leaders.

Touching on hardship economy in the country, he said the ruling New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) bad ruling will pave way for NDC come back to power 2020 after winning general elections.