Ministry of Transport

The Ministry of Transport is a government establishment responsible for the formulation, coordination and monitoring of Aviation, Transport and Highway infrastructure policies and programmes for both public and private sectors of the economy.

Minister: Dzifa Aku Ativor

Postal Address P.O Box M57 Accra
Telephone (+233-302) 661782
Fax (+233-302) 681780/689654

The main mandate of the Ministry of Transportation is to formulate policies for the transport sector, establish the regulatory framework for transport operations, creating the enabling environment for transport investment and the development of an efficient transport system which is modally complementary.

Mission Statement
To provide well integrated and well-maintained roads and transport infrastructure and services that meet national requirements and international standards on a sustainable basis.

• To formulate and implement policies that is responsive to the changing needs of the nation.
• Promoting private sector participation
• Develop, implement, monitor and regulate standards
• Carry out strategic investment so as to establish safe, reliable, efficient and affordable services for all transport users.

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