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No alliance – CPP

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  • APONKYE 8 years ago

    Forget Ndoum (the mega thief). Forget PNC etc.
    The CPP is moving forward.

  • Ekow Samuel. 8 years ago

    That very good statement to becomes the victory of 2016 with unification on with them and may God bless you all for the vission to win and again it is very good talks of you! and we'er expecting that!God bless you and oman gh ...
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  • tan90sin90cos90. 8 years ago

    What CPP needs now is humble campaign to the electorate, starting from the remote/rural areas where the majority of ghanaians are suffering in different forms. Let campaign with good policies that will make ghanaians free fro ...
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  • BB 8 years ago

    Even the USSR and the US were in an alliance at some time past. They knew that each of them could not face the might of Nazi Germany and thus allied.

    How is this different from Ghana today? Dell, Samia, Akosa and that arch ...
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