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Regional News of Monday, 29 March 2021


GIJ: Management postpones exam date for students

Management of the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) has postponed the examination date for students for the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year.

This follows a brouhaha that went on between the management of the institution and students because of a notice released asking students who registered their courses after the said deadline to defer them.

This notice came exactly a week to the examination which caused an outrage among students and led to a demonstration by the students at the entrance of the Institution.

GIJ management issued a media release on Monday, March 25 2021 stating that it has magnanimously granted amnesty to all students who failed to register their courses before the deadline.

Prior to this, management decided to reschedule the examination timetable from Monday, March 29 to Tuesday 6th April 2021.

“Accordingly, examinations scheduled to start on Monday, 29 March 2021, are rescheduled to Tuesday, 6 April 2021. The Academic Affairs registry shall release a new examination timetable in due course”. It stated.

The release stated that the Institution has granted all affected students a week to clear themselves and reminded them that this would be the last time they would be granted amnesty for late payments of school fees.

“As an institution with a vision and mission to achieve academic excellence comparable to any other global higher education institution, we shall continue to commit to international best practices in higher education administration. We, therefore, wish to remind students and all other stakeholders that GIJ is granting this amnesty to students for the last time.

The Institute shall religiously enforce its registration policies at the beginning of the next academic year. Students who have difficulties in registering for financial or other reasons should approach the Institute and enter suitable arrangements in line with its policies to help build a culture of respect for academic integrity, policies and procedures and the overall sustainability of GIJ”.

The statement signed by the rector of the students further wished all students good luck in their upcoming exams.

“We entreat all affected students to take advantage of this amnesty and register. Management wishes all students good luck in their examinations.”