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Dr Henry Lartey hails Mahama on Montie trio release

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  • Yentie 8 years ago

    So this buffoon thinks Ghana had "constitutional DRAFTERS"?

    Tweeeea, they were copy-copy PLAGIARISTS!

  • Zoobie-Zoobie 8 years ago

    what a jerk?

  • aikins 8 years ago

    He has not suffer before so he doesn't think when talking just like the mahama who killed Mills to become president Dr Henry Lartey too has become standard flag bearer in his party without going into primaries to elect since ...
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  • insight to the bone 8 years ago

    tribalism at work which only amputates their brains of common sense and decency. if they were Akans he would have joined the call to lynch them

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    where did these guys got their doctrate degree from?. can someone help me because l want to buy one.

  • Eshun 8 years ago

    It is one of the best decision President Mahama has taken. It has sent a strong signal to the corrupt judges that you not sit anywhere make political decisions to favor a political party. Congrats Mr. president!

  • Nash 8 years ago


  • TM's 8 years ago

    Talk for pay .......else how they survive as a party ! or individual. It's a shame we still ve education elite in support of this needless decision of the president.

  • BOY KOFI 8 years ago

    Those Montie guys were jailed on political grounds.Ghana can't afford to have political prisoners now.I think Prez Mahama has done the honourable thing to free them.Journalists should not go to jail for criticising judges in ...
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  • Odeneho Kofi Ababio 8 years ago

    You are very mad! How on earth could those stupid guys insult the integrity of our judges and even threatening them all in support of NDC? Great change is coming soon and we shall see

  • Bernard 8 years ago

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  • Bernard 8 years ago

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  • BENTA 8 years ago

    Useless guy.

  • Ibrahim 8 years ago

    Look at that stupid man calling himself flag bearer Jesus christ. Ghana we have long way to go if we don't charge this government

  • t.t 8 years ago

    Empty headed ! He doesn't even know that CONTEMPT cases are not subjected to president review ! This president is just reckless and irresponsible ! Has any president on earth ever review contempt conviction?

  • Defender 8 years ago

    TT or whatever you call yourself. Why don't you take the President to court if you think he has done something wrong?

  • MAA 8 years ago

    Who will waste his time on John mahama the dead goat who goats are chewing his posters to go to court when he has shown clearly he has no respect for them? They also do not have respect for him but just our judiciary respect ...
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  • jam 8 years ago

    This guy is another complete nuisance to Ghana . A disgrace to the decent Effutu people. He has an empty head and should be ignored. Anyway, degrees are bought these days so am not surprised this guy is one of the holders

  • leo 8 years ago

    your father's spirit will hunt you for this support you giving to Mahama. I loved your dad wishing I related him because of his ideologies but you Son is messing up. stay away from mahama and his ndc please

  • Fine boy 8 years ago

    Dr Henry that is why you will remain getting -0% in every election

  • awagu 8 years ago

    so far,all negative comments on this subject of remmitance ,is from N P P, this is called skinpain, ahuo yaa! whether you agree or not ,the President has spoken and for all I care you can go burn the oceans, if you disagree ...
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  • Komla 8 years ago

    Ur father I'm sure will be churning in his grave to hear u speak like that. Your was an honorable man. Don't destroy all that he's built. SO sad

  • Efo 8 years ago


  • Prof. Issifu, USA 8 years ago

    NDC is sponsoring Ayariga, Akua Donkor, & Henry Lartey's parties! What useful criticism of JDM can come from any of these people?

  • Vinss 8 years ago


  • Isaac 8 years ago

    So you are foolish like you father? When will some Ga people will learn from the real Ghanaians. And stop foolishness like their brothers Yorobas in Nigeria

  • Obuama 8 years ago

    To all those criticising Henry Lartey, where were you when Kuffuor pardoned Appiah Menka's son who was convicted for cocain offences and spent only 2 out of 13 years jail term? Where were you when Kuffuor freed a murderer, Ge ...
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  • Flagstaff house (not really ) 8 years ago

    Yes your so correct now ANYONE in Ghana can threaten to kill anyone (even you) and be in contempt of court knowing aftervacshortbwhikevthe president MUST release them (forget the judicial process of appeal etc) as this is the ...
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  • 8 years ago

    Serious policians are lacking in Ghana! Dr lartey, a fake doctorate degree holder, will do that, won't he, after all he is the leader of the one of the parties sponsored by the ruling party. God help us all.......!

  • K Mensah 8 years ago

    Another useless thief talking. This idiot will never stop feeding on Mahama's faeces.

  • Yaw 8 years ago

    Doctor, you fit to be president. Let those who think the President has committed sacrilege continue to live in the stone age

  • JH New York 8 years ago

    I am not Surprised to hear that from a face which depicts early mornings akpeteshie,Ga kome ke Shito.He's entitled to his opinion, though!. Not all of us are either NPP or NDC,etc Supporters.

  • Nana forbi 8 years ago

    u will get folish people to follow you

  • ROSIE 8 years ago

    Henry Lartey are you sure domestication is your real father or you need a DNA test?I'm sorry , but I've got to ask because the man might be turning in his grave for the sins of this his so called son. This guy has never spok ...
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  • Teiko 8 years ago

    We all know u need money for campaign, why dont u ask directly? Do u have to lick maama's ass for money? PhD to fools indeed

  • Ben 8 years ago

    We have lots of people who want leadership positions but can't even take their own decisions.

  • Frank 8 years ago

    [28/08 08:49] Frank Afful: Article 465600


    Feature Article of Sun, 28 Aug 20165

    My nephew, even the late Mills lost trust in Mahama

    This is a retrospective commentary of the remedial history tutorials I ...
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  • SONOFMAN 8 years ago

    But what the president did is unconstitutional or Ghanaians are not aware of that? Ask Hon. Atakyea and lawyer Kumado and they will explain.

  • Ali Mahama 8 years ago

    Another Sycophant shouting to be heard for his share of free Pajeros.Akua Donkor has got her share of Two Pajeros and a House why not him who also works for the umbrella. But no Baga waya Nana Beba.

  • Don 8 years ago

    The most foolish person ever with Dr in front his name. Even the late father was more sensible.

  • Akan Ladie 8 years ago

    Where did you get your doctorate? Could be one of these fake degrees around.

  • Nanagoygo 8 years ago

    Where did he got his doctor degree from .,Bush doctor kwaseato