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Unwholesome goods flooding markets - FDA

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  • Concerned 8 years ago

    It saddens me when I see or hear people in authority appealing to the conscience of others rather than implementing strategies to solve the issues they have been appointed to resolve.
    Okay you can appeal to government for mo ...
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  • Mensah 8 years ago

    if consumers get the right information and don't buy them, the unscrupulous sellers cannot sell them

  • Whatever 8 years ago

    Any GMO food in the market is an unwholesome rubbish and the FDA should arrest any body putting it up for sale

  • Nana, canada 8 years ago

    Ghanaians,,, I don't know if its stupidity or greediness . How would u see expired goods and drugs to a fellow human being to consume all because of money?
    No matter how many governments comes into Ghana if we do not change ...
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  • Mensah 8 years ago

    the same mentality that will cause people to add cancer causing chemicals in ordinary palm oil to make it look red and sell them to their fellow human being to die from consuming them because of money; that's what Ghana has b ...
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  • Area man 8 years ago

    So what is the difference between a person selling an unwholesome commodities and politicians looting monies, police collecting bribes, corrupt custom officials, sick immigration, judicial malfeasance. The system is on a ve ...
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  • Jay 8 years ago

    Oh the disease of the nation fdb must stop your hypocrisy. Just try and activate your conscience to an appreciable status cos you are what we told you you are. The breeder of of infection

  • Mensah 8 years ago

    a lot of stores like Melcom-Sunyani are selling counterfeit electrical equipment as well; my friend bought a brand new and supposedly brand name expensive stove from them six months ago, and it has already broken down.

  • tan90sin90cos90. 8 years ago

    FDA cum police and military must embark on nation wide operation to confiscate all these unwholesome goods flooding markets. My question is how these fake goods entered ghana?

  • Ray Parker 8 years ago

    FDB what do your reps do at ports through which the goods are imported. Only collect money from the importers to enrich themselves

  • Frank Ben 8 years ago

    If I were your employer, I would sack you today. You have said nothing. why don't you find means to control advert that are not in the interest of the populace. has the FDA seen all the adverts of all the bitters, all the mix ...
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  • Awudu 8 years ago

    The FDA is responsible to do their job to arrest all this customers killing people with out dated goods.Do not sit in the office always in air conditions and wasting electricity on the state.Amen

  • John Andoh 8 years ago

    This is also a security problem. We need more inspectors on the ground.The Chairman of Food and Drugs Agency ie Totobi Quakyi already has considerable expertise in security matters. Hope he can clear this mess with the right ...
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  • Plasma Kote 8 years ago

    This is nothing new ????????? It has always been there, even when Ghana was the Gold Coast.

  • Plasma Kote 8 years ago

    It is a you do not know what to do

    How much did the Position cost ???pa

  • CITIZEN ONE 8 years ago

    We don't need education!. We were born stupid and will die stupid. How many of you can dare swear that they never patronized a "street hawker" before. You are all very sickhumans, you blame everything and everybody but yourse ...
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  • KWABENA KASAPREKO. 8 years ago

    This should not be the last of such public education on chemically processed foods. There should be a constant and periodic education all over the country. The reason why we Ghanaians have come to be contracting Western dise ...
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  • Kofi 8 years ago

    Educate the media then instead of just using the internet use radio , posters and TV to alert the general public