You are here: HomeNewsDiaspora2016 06 28Article 451218

Ghanaian company invests $9 mil in Chicago black bank

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  • Adjei Takoradi 7 years ago

    why is it labelled a black bank?

  • Bonyo Bukom 7 years ago

    A very good question indeed!

    Simply because no racist white person will put a damn cent into that bank.

    For these honkies & junkies, everything black is: evil, devil, satan & all negatives in their bible also against th ...
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  • Black American Male 7 years ago

    Is it true, that ISF Bank will have atm machines across Ghana? No massive fees for using such inside of Ghana?

  • Paul 7 years ago

    Your a fool: its called a black bank as in a bank for black people to invest in the future. You are slave to the WEST YOU STUPID COW. While they are investing. you are here sitting and complaining. Shut up

  • Paul 7 years ago

    Your are very stupid go read a book

  • kwasiafuo africafuo 7 years ago

    Pan africanism steps. i respect it

  • Papa 7 years ago

    A source of pride for Africans that one of our own can do this. To buy a bank in America is no joke. Everything is possible after this.

  • Nokware 7 years ago

    Black man is capable of managing his affairs IF given the chance by WHO......

  • Asem sebe 7 years ago

    Very worth while and laudable by Dr Ndoum and is group - Many white banks like Morgam Stanley and JP chanse and Morgan was built on the blacks on enslaved Afrikan many of whom came from Ghana. Our black brothgers and sisters ...
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