You are here: HomeNews2017 07 17Article 559758

Mayor engages traders

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  • Mr Bond 6 years ago

    In Canada US and European countries food waste from markets are transform into animal feed and fertilizer so why are we wasting our food waste.Ghanaians think.Other also burn them to produce electricity.

  • Kookoolokoo 6 years ago

    Mr. Bond, This a great business opportunity. Why don't you start that to set an example? In Canada, U.S and European countries that you mentioned, private sectors are those who are transforming the countries with their innova ...
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  • ST. GHFUO, is this the best you can d 6 years ago

    this accra mayor is a nutcase either very stupid or clueless. u are consulting market women to give you ideas on how to keep waste down or what? are u confused? u need to contract waste pickup services to an outside company. ...
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  • Concern citizen 6 years ago

    Mayor ,provide bins and containers for keeping the dirt.Besidesame you should built toilets and washrooms not only taking the daily toll.