You are here: HomeNews2017 06 10Article 546565

Rejoinder: Asogli Plant shutdown: 560MW of power lost in dispute over pipeline connectivity

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  • Mallam Amotia JINNI Powers man(+23354 7 years ago

    You can contact me on or WhatsApp(+233547122212) Powerful spritualist, Your better days is not tomorrow us you expect but is just on your on hands Nana red powers spritual center makes it so easy and you will never regret in ...
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  • kofi 7 years ago

    why are we generation electrical power with crude oil whilst we have the sun shining 24x7. we can't think far.

  • NON-ELITIST 7 years ago

    And may I enquire how the input from the 36 inch pipeline impinge the flow into the 24 inch line? Is there not an impediment in the flow at the point of connectivity, etc? Is there not a conflict here that is causing the sh ...
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  • Skippy 7 years ago

    Afede aka napoleon kpoh.
    You aint seen anything yet!!
    You sabotaged NDC in the 2016 elections but the law of karma is real & present.
    Look @ you & your managing of hearts.
    You think you are clever than everyone.