You are here: HomeNews2017 04 16Article 529257

Finally, the giant-dwarf has spoken

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  • Dessie 7 years ago

    What was he waiting for Okoampa:Now you,Obiri Boahene and others admitting that NPP has trained rebels to caused mayhem should NPP did loose the election.Tou havent seen anything yet intil them rape Akuffo Addo won wife and k ...
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  • Dessie 7 years ago

    *tou havent seen anything yet untill they rape Akuffo Addo
    Wife and daughters

  • RemKay 7 years ago

    The President a dwarf? I am quite dissappointed in the editorial board of GhanaWeb seeing a heading like this? So unprofessional. Gradually, politics is coming opposite to respect and common sence

  • milli 7 years ago

    Awwwww, say again. how could someone disrespect so much to call a president by that name openly n shamelessly.

  • Vcky 7 years ago

    I wanna know how you look like, and can you create the human body? We dont rule by your statue, but rather your brain.

  • Nana Asenso 7 years ago

    I am not enthused with the heading but I think he is being satirical on the NDC who always call Nana dwarf

  • Kwaku 7 years ago

    What a crap journalism and with this disgusting headlines show our president some respect

  • Solo 7 years ago

    I dont want to believe this piece really comes from Okoampa Ahoofe BUT if it is, then truelly education has still not helped many of us so called the educated.
    I'm highly disappointed in you Mr Hoofe and Ghanaweb for publis ...
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  • Capt Omoro 7 years ago

    This Ahoonfe guy is sick in the brain. When u train rebels to destroy Ghana n it has backfired, out of stupidity, you tried had to blame the fmr govt.
    This brainless pple calling themselves "Columnist should be watched. He f ...
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  • ash 7 years ago

    cobbling english words together doesnt make you an intellectual therefore countenancing articles like this by ghana web is very appalling

  • Julius 7 years ago

    Unfortunate headline.
    Absolutely unprofessional!!

  • Eben 7 years ago

    eiii...hahahahaha aahh..smh. The President a dwarf? Ghanaweb paa.. Are you serious

  • Emmanuel Tetteh 7 years ago

    Honestly i feel bad for such a news paper to describe the president of Ghana " a dwarf" Does some of our Ghanaian news editors have a brain or they can't think again when they wear a political spectacles. You can't r ...
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  • razak 7 years ago

    bloggers and editors at Ghanaweb MO MAAME TWE3 WAI nkwasiafo), will you even get to be related to a president, it will never happen in your entire families because you and your families are animals mboa mu boa mpreko ba

  • adwoa 7 years ago

    Kwame who are you to call somebody a dwaf? You and your ndc were calling him names yet Ghanaians voted for him to be their president. May God forgive you.

  • eagle 7 years ago

    the editorial board of ghanaweb are imbecile that is why they can post anything nasty

  • Jojo Moyes 7 years ago

    if you can not face any form of disgrace don't go in for any public office, because people will turn their frustrations on you in the name of freedom of speech and talk sit to you and you will be action less