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Open letter to the ministers of Business Development, Trade & Industry

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  • Osei 7 years ago

    This is your CHANCE! Still applying for jobs and waiting?Between the ages of 18-50yrs?; A graduate or school leaver? Retire, sacked or just tired of low wage work;1. Make HUGE RETURNS daily 2.High-end users' exposure. 3. Incr ...
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  • Kpenyigba Kwesi 7 years ago

    One will like to know the difference between Business Development Ministry and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. It hard to comprehend the creation of Business Development Ministry in addition to the Ministry of Trade and I ...
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  • Nana Barima Duah II 7 years ago

    There is no such institution as a "Ministry" of Business Development even though it is now boldly inscribed on an office building at Ridge. The appointee is designated as a Minister of State for Business Devepment at the Offi ...
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  • Nana Barima Duah II 7 years ago

    And it has implementing departments headed by civil servants who are accountable to the head of civil service for fiduciary purposes and contunity of tenure. Does the so-called Ministry have all of this.

  • Nana Barima Duah II 7 years ago

    Where is the budget of the Minister for Business Development assigned? It is categorically under the Office of the President, not under a separate Ministry budget line separately defended by and appropriated to a Ministry by ...
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