You are here: HomeNews2015 12 02Article 397939

E/R: Family of five found dead at Yawkyeremakrom

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  • JUSTICE OSEI AGYEMANG (USA). 8 years ago

    I suggest if their death looks like acid bath, then the Police should question NPP and Akufo Addo, because they are experts in acid bathing, am serious.

  • Stephen Owusu 8 years ago

    what is the president ghana doing about this issue.

  • Stephen Owusu 8 years ago

    these our ghanaian leaders hmmmm.....

  • Gyampoh Charles 8 years ago

    What a tragedy!! This situation has posed several questions to be answered, but by who?
    I suggest the sale of acids to individuals should be restricted for life-saving sake.