You are here: HomeNews2015 09 08Article 380548

Mother of Siamese twins appeal for help

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  • Akua05 8 years ago

    If she will not mention the kids dad name, how would the public know they truly need help.

  • Ghananyobi 8 years ago

    Can't the journalist/s help by providing full name and direct phone for donations? It will be a whole lot easier for everyone.

  • Diasporan 8 years ago

    The verb in the heading should be "appeals" because it is the "mother...", in the third person singular, who is doing the appealing; not the twins.

  • Kwesi 8 years ago

    "after they had been successfully separated by a team of surgeons at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH)"

    How can this operation be "successful" when both lives were not saved?

  • DA OG 8 years ago

    Guys, this is about helping the helpless baby. it doesn't matter who the father is and who did or did not what.