You are here: HomeNews2015 08 17Article 375599

Kotoko outplay BA to consolidate top four finish

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  • GPS 8 years ago

    Why celebrate Kotoko? BA is a weak team

  • Amo 8 years ago

    The curse of being considered the greatest club in Ghana is that when ever you play an opponent they bring their 'A' game.Kotoko and Hearts always have to work extra hard to push of even the weakest teams because players and ...
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  • Amo 8 years ago

    The curse of being considered the greatest club in Ghana is that when ever you play an opponent they bring their 'A' game.Kotoko and Hearts always have to work extra hard to push of even the weakest teams because players and ...
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  • Amo 8 years ago

    The curse of being considered the greatest club in Ghana is that when ever you play an opponent they bring their 'A' game.Kotoko and Hearts always have to work extra hard to push of even the weakest teams because players and ...
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  • ISAAC OWUSU .aka.CULTURE -ASIA 8 years ago

    Every win is win.if is a weak team why them Qualified? We talk too much,but but we can't solve Our Dumso problem with N D C fools.

  • ISAAC OWUSU .aka.CULTURE -ASIA 8 years ago

    Every win is win.if is a weak team why them Qualified? We talk too much,but but we can't solve Our Dumso problem with N D C fools.

  • KUSI SAMUEL 8 years ago