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Gov’t to prioritize improvement of prisons - Mahama

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  • Upside down 8 years ago

    Criminals are getting more attention than slum dwellers. Only in Ghana. When will Mahama speak about the demolition of the old Fadama slum or visit with those displaced?

  • Mahmoud 8 years ago

    Busia did not say that he was going to stay in power indefinitely, and he did not declare Ghana as one-party state either. Moreover, he was given a 5year mandate to deliver for Ghanaians to judge whether to extend his tenure ...
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  • a concern citizen 8 years ago

    The determination of who should be given amnesty should be the responsibility of a special committee formed but not left in the sole hands of the prison authorities, to avoid discrimination if any. The committee should have a ...
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  • natural 8 years ago

    yea so all those corrupt politicians can be sent there.

  • Kofi Jata 8 years ago

    That will be you resting place soon.

  • Klenam. 8 years ago

    Mahama think about improving the society. If you create more jobs for the armed robbers and send Nigerians back, people will not rob to be sent to prison. I think you have no vision to lead the country at all.

  • Klenam. 8 years ago

    Mahama think about improving the society. If you create more jobs for the armed robbers and send Nigerians back, people will not rob to be sent to prison. I think you have no vision to lead the country at all.

  • Klenam. 8 years ago

    Mahama think about improving the society. If you create more jobs for the armed robbers and send Nigerians back, people will not rob to be sent to prison. I think you have no vision to lead the country at all.

  • Klenam. 8 years ago

    Mahama think about improving the society. If you create more jobs for the armed robbers and send Nigerians back, people will not rob to be sent to prison. I think you have no vision to lead the country at all.

  • Klenam. 8 years ago

    Mahama think about improving the society. If you create more jobs for the armed robbers and send Nigerians back, people will not rob to be sent to prison. I think you have no vision to lead the country at all.

  • Observer 8 years ago

    Some of your appointees will end up in prison pretty soon. Provide amenities they may miss. It will not be out of place to appoint Tsatsu Tsikata to oversee that task.

  • Amina 8 years ago

    Prison is supposed to reform and rehabilitate people to give them at least a sense of purpose in life. On the contrary Ghana prison is hell and even if one steal a fowl that individual could expect to be given 5 years by judg ...
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