You are here: HomeNews2015 05 04Article 356816

CENAB UK supports the “Faces and Voices of Change” in Ghanaian Politics

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  • Oba Nyansani Baako Pe ln Ghana! 9 years ago

    Cenab our aim is to promote our country Ghana. Ghanaians deserve better living not dumsor and hardship economy. Mahama and his government have nothing to offer to Ghanaians.

  • Odikr@ 9 years ago

    When will reality sink in?
    CENAB members reside in a country where the Energy Sector;is not the Sole responsibility of Government;but yet these enlightened group
    argue for such in Ghana.
    Where is the Private Sector?

  • Dery 9 years ago

    Guys know what's up. We are behind them all. God bless Ghana