You are here: HomeNews2015 04 30Article 356487

Farmer kills uncle

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  • Gabby 9 years ago

    Ohh where is Ghana heading towards? Gud have mercy

  • sad new 9 years ago

    is dat hw dey spell GOD "Gud" you don't abi

  • sad new 9 years ago

    is dat how they spell GOD "Gud" you don't respect abi

  • buhari 9 years ago

    they are animals with no respect for human life. they kill by heart. wicked people

  • Shabia news 9 years ago

    Just bcoz of gh25.00 he shouldn't have done that

  • Saint 9 years ago

    So now the uncle is dead and this f***kin munchkin is on the run so what's the sense in what he did why running if he's a man enough to a life