You are here: HomeNews2015 02 10Article 345989

Okuapeman school under threat, old students appeal to president

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  • Mike Olongo, USA 9 years ago

    Can someone please explain to me what the implications are when government acquires land by executive order and why or how a court can reassign the land to the original owners. I am really confused.
    Anyway I would like to ad ...
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  • Anima Priscilla (past student) 9 years ago

    I will like to make a passionate appeal to the government and also other stakeholders in education to help us(students of okuas) to retain our land. When the land is given to the family,what will be the plight of these visual ...
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  • samiratu abdullah 7 years ago

    His excellency john dramani mahama should really interven as soon as possible to prevent posterity from suffering